Our mission is to work for the recognition of our creation from G’d, the only element that is common in us all: Our Humanity.
Racism, a learned behavior, is more apparent in today’s society than ever before and to rid society of its stain, we must address it at its origin. The example of an image of a European on the cross that portrays G’d or the son of G’d is not only against the commands of G’d but its psychological effects are the root cause of the racial strife we see in the society today. It allows some to view themselves as closer to G’d through skin color, and others farther from G’d through skin color. We believe that as a society we need to come away from racial and all images that attempt to portray the divine and caste-based value systems describing human beings. We believe that G’d gave us our differences as an attraction to draw us closer to each other so that by knowing our differences, we would recognize our sameness.
Aaliyah Akbar
Educator, School Psychologist, Oakland, CA
Imam Abu Qadir Al-Amin
Western Section Convener, Iman SF Muslim Community Center, San Francisco, CA
Amatullah Alaji-Sabrie
Community Activist, Facilitator, and Educator, Oakland, CA
Amelah El-Amin
Community activist, Co-founder MU’EED, Advocate against food scarcity, Oakland, CA
Cheryl Sudduth
West Contra Costa Water Board Director, Scientist, Human Rights Advocate, El Sobrante, CA
Imam Muhammad Abdul Malik
Community activist, Security Consultant, Martial Artist, Entrepreneur, Las Vegas, NV
Chaplain Nimat Shaheed
Educator, Restorative Justice Practitioner, Oakland, CA
Tauheedah Brooks-Wren
Educator, Fashion Designer and Entrepreneur, El Sobrante, CA
Imam Wali Fardan
Former Western Section Convener, Entrepreneur, Retired, Celina, TX
Imam Yahya Shabazz (resigned August 2023)
Author and Entrepreneur, Quitman, MS
Zarinah El-Amin Majied
Author, Atlanta, GA
Imam Ayman Abdul Mujeeb (raa)